Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Finally Freed

As long as I can remember, Grandma has always been my saving grace... Because of her I had a life, a childhood...  Because of her I know what my future will be. When nobody wanted me, she did, when I felt like I was no one, she made me someone....
And now I feel the tables have turned....

I have been waiting for the perfect time to tell my story, I figured it would be best for the book, I mean, they say that's where you pull people in... Mass production and $$$$ but today, I knew... Today was the day... No money, no oooh ahhh shock value... This is meant to shed some light on things in hopes that it allows...

In my last post I asked... How do you give the information without making it sound like some kind of movie... It didn't dawn on me then but now is the time....
I've always lived this life with questions and expectations even as a child, always feeling like there was something more, more than me.
When I was five years old, my Grandma and I were going through old pictures... There was a picture of my Mother, she was about Twenty-Four years old and my Grandma started to tell me about my conception... I know, I know... Odd that my Grandma would know that and share it with me at such a young age... Except it's not what you think...
When my mother was young she was born without the shut off from her bladder to her urethra, which meant that she would need to wear a urine bag her entire life. Along with this, she was also born without a uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries, with no chance to ever have children.
My Grandma was distraught, questioning how a child can be born this way...  My Aunt who was heavily into church told my Grandma to go to church and have her prayed for, except that at this time Grandma wasn't as into church as she is now so this wasn't a instant reaction for her.  She prayed, knelt down by her bed and prayed, prayed for Jesus to heal her baby girl, and that night my mother came in and told her she needed to use the restroom...

Grandma took her straight to the doctor and sure enough her bladder was normal, she had taken nothing for this, no surgeries were done, it was just healed, with no explanation from the doctors. While this was now in tact, her reproductive organs were not. It wasn't until 42 weeks before my birth that she would find out that she was no longer baron.

 From the few people who know this about me, know that I tend to keep this to myself unless it needs to be known, I tend to get weird looks (as if I had anything to do with it) a multitude of questions, accusations against it... I'm sure you can imagine... However, the one reason why I don't tend to say anything is because I tend to get some who use the word miracle and take it way too far...
I am here to tell you that YES I am a miracle, I don't deny the power he has to change things miraculously in the blink of an eye, the issue I have is trying to make people understand that I am nothing more than a product of his grace and power, an example, someone to share his glory and to bare witness to this.

For the last 20 years, I haven't had a relationship with my mother because, she isn't the woman God created, she's distorted by years of drug use and bad decisions, with no responsibility for her actions... In recent years I tried to make amends with her, to reconcile. I have forgiven her actions against me, however the love that a daughter should have for her mother is long gone. I started noticing the actions, mannerisms, the way she would speak, it wasn't normal, people just don't act the way she does...
It was recently I started noticing an odd pattern with her, the last year, the times I would visit my Grandma, the feeling I get there is very unwelcoming, if i weren't a strong person by nature it probably would have really scared me...
I could never understand what I did, as a child what was it about me that she didn't want me... She gave me over to my Grandma when I was just 6 months old, my Grandfather asked for her to leave me with Grandma so that she could have a chance to change her life, she did without any hesitation. As I grew up, even though she would be around from time to time, it was like she was forced to spend time with me, felt nothing like a mother and child bond.
It wasn't until recently that I finally understood...

For years I prayed for God to make Grandma move with me up North, and one day... Grandma's water well went dry, and after estimates and information,  it looked like drilling a new well was not an option, and practically financially impossible. God Finally set it in motion.... I just had to wait out the winter for the water to completely run dry and she would be here.
On Sunday I get a call from my Grandfather, just so that he could tell me that he sent her the money to drill deeper... It was like everything God had granted was just ripped out from under me. I immediately felt Satan all around it. My "Mother" called my Grandfather and said everything she could to make him feel guilty enough to pay for a new well.
I felt lost, empty and defeated until tonight.

Everything, every last question, I have an answer... While for so long I thought I had one, it was merely one answer leading me to THE answer...

I have spent the last twenty years with a feeling of anger and resentment consuming me, not able to forgive... Forgiveness... The one thing left that would keep me out of Heaven...

Could it have been Satan all along? Could he have been the one who made her baron, simply because he knew she would give birth to me? Is this why she is the way she is towards my Grandmother, because my Grandmother is the one who instilled God into my life?
I could never understand why she treated me the way she did, why she was always so against me...
Until tonight.

For the first time in my life, I could hear the fear in my Grandma's voice. She has always been my guarantee, my way of knowing that Heaven is real and how I know that paths are set. But tonight, it wasn't until I heard the fear in her voice that I knew how real everything really was. I know Heaven is real, I know Satan is more real now than he has ever been and in that moment I became safe. I knew then that Jesus saved me simply by having me tell my Grandmother this exact same thing. She cried, not because she was afraid any longer but because she knew that she was safe and that He has not left her and that she now knows what she needs to do to make sure she's as close to Jesus as she's ever been...

I never thought that I would be saving her. And Never would I think that I would be sitting here praying for my Mother to be saved. But I Am...

Having a relationship that I've had with Jesus for as long as I've had, I didn't think anything would surprise me because I believe in everything that he is, yet he continues to amaze me with how he works in me.
Just as with Jesus, Satan's objectives and the power he has is just as real, the weak and the strong would waver in the presence of this, but my faith is everlasting and know my place among the father in his Kingdom.

I've made this sound like another epic storyline, except for the fact that this isn't a "What's going to happen"  This is my testimonial as to what has already happened ...

If you have ever once spoken to me then you know, that my faith in God is as strong as it can be, that I can attest to his miracles and his blessings; If you haven't ever spoke to me, I ask you not to believe me, but to seek him out and he will show you your own blessings...

'Walk by Faith, Not by Sight"

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Message In A Scroll

How do you tell a person that the world is about to change in the blink of an eye and that all of the things to follow for Earth are nothing but destruction, pain and suffering, all to end with a battle of souls between God and Satan and that for God's chosen people it all ends with a "Happily Every After" and not make it sound like some off the wall Motion Picture and crazy?

Maybe there isn't a way... Maybe people are just set in a way so much that we've stopped believing in things that happen simply because they can.

I have spent my last 29 years searching for a purpose, trying to understand my reason for being here... I'm sure we all have felt this, or questioned it... It's beyond that for me. It's like I have this ticking clock I go by, that's been slowing, inching closer and closer to a complete stop... While women are worrying about a biological clock ticking down their fertile years... I am awaiting for a wonderful beginning, my destiny.

Until this week, I have always been fascinated by the Bible and the prophecies it holds, so much that I can dive right into it and just read for hours... This week that changed. I have thought myself a lot of things, I believed at one time I was psychic ( I was a child) I believed I was a miracle (I am) and I believed that I was just another sinner.... This week I realized that I am not just any of those things but that I have been called by him because I'm a sinner, because I am his miracle and because I am his messenger, one of many...

I come to you as someone who some of you know personally, as someone who you occasionally read, as someone who believes in allowing a person their freedom of opinion.

News hit this week that Israel had been hit with rockets from Palestine and instantly in the blink of an eye my vision has changed..

Luke 21:19-22 
In your patience possess ye your souls.And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto. For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.

Now anyone can sit here and recite verses with syntax and prove their points... the difference is... Its not my point I'm proving...

I've had dreams my entire life that never made sense but scared me to death, I'm always left trying to make sense of them. A week before the earthquake and Tsunami in Japan, I had a dream that I was in Hawaii and suddenly waters started to rise and we were being evacuated from a building which led me to a dark parking lot where there was a black and white cat that continuously kept repeating something but I couldn't hear it, I then saw this cat again under a blanket peeking out repeating Armageddon over and over.... The day of the Tsunami I was set to go to Santa Monica to meet with a friend... Never did I imagine that the cat in my dream would be in her kitchen peeking out from the same blanket...

January 2011, news  broke that everyone's existence would change from that moment on and nobody is who they think they are, because there was now a 13th constellation has entered the Sun and Earth's orbit... This 13th sign is named Ophiuchus ... If you see the placement of the sign and read into the mythological stories behind each constellation, it sits between Orion and the scorpion, to which Ophiuchus is believed to give life back to the dead...

Luke 21:25
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;

You see... This week life has changed for me, My clock has stopped ticking and the calling is loud and clear. I have taken many roads towards my spiritual baptism, roads I'm terrified to remember but those roads led me to his Grace and Salvation, and I stand here in complete anointing and obedience.  I have never felt his love the way I did yesterday... To be honest the service was a tad bit boring, its not what I'm used to, nor what my church usually puts out, but during worship and all through it I felt his arms around me, and his love rush over me leaving my heart light and with a purpose.

I know there will be skeptics, his plan would not work with out them, I would have no purpose without them. I am here to stand before you to tell you that we are in the time of his return. The seven churches are being warned, his Bride is being prepared.

And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel

The Twelve  tribes of Israel  are speaking, and the words are being manipulated into making us believe in a doomsday by an ending calendar. We're prone to seeing the end of things rather than a beginning...

Revelations is the most difficult book in the bible to understand because of its symbolism. For God to speak through John in order to leave a map that would unfold itself will tell you more than anything. 
Genesis begins with the first betrayal with the serpent convincing Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge, it's only fitting that the last book in the bible has been left with symbolism, leaving us to rely on God and his word and to trust in him and that he is leading us to him. 

Pray for your loved ones, get your "house" in order and let Jesus in, because he is truly the only way to  the Fathers Kingdom.
To Be Continued......
God Bless Us All