As women we all have times where the men in our lives just simply can't understand what we're going through, not to mention that if we look at their overly irritated face it's just going to make the situation worse... So while our man is always the one we turn to first for comfort... It's our girls that are always the ones who finish the job.
I am not the typical girl...never have been. I grew up as a "tomboy" because my Grandmother pretty much raised me on a farm...okay maybe not an actual farm but, we had chickens, dogs, cats... and yes I was the spoiled little brat with a Pony! With that pony came shoveling, riding, feeding, brushing it... now I may not have done these things allll the time, but I did it long enough to know I didn't want to do it anymore.
Female friends have never been something I hold on to for very long, most of them became good acquaintances, some are still friends from childhood.
I'm not catty, I'm not a girly girl.. even now I still like to lay around without a shower, messy hair and no make up... Keeping female friends is not something I strive to do, however when you meet women that are just like you... It's like finding the JACK POT!
I have 4 of the best friends I could ever ask for... They all play their own role.My very best of the bestest has been with me for almost 14 years now and while she and I have fought like cat's and dogs, (or sisters you could say) we have always been there for each other when the other needs it, I have watched her grow from a shy little girl to a strong woman and fantastic Mother of my 1st Godson... To think of the life she has had to live would make weaker women fall to pieces and yet she stands taller than the liberty she has created for herself. Her Wit will light up a room that has nothing but darkness and as stuuuuuupiid as she is will always be my Buddy Bear.

While in my freshman year of high school I met this girl who I could not stand all through Junior High... To tell you the truth I can't even tell you why because to think on it now seems ridiculous.. We were both absent for a test so we had to take it after school together and she ended up cheating off of me...NOW she will not admit to that but she knows she did... Anyway, she is the biggest b**** I have ever met and I think that is why she and I got along so well. Now, I know what you're thinking... No I am not and neither is she... but I have a raw exterior (as I have been told) and as does she, we both have grown to know that it's us against the world, we're on a path so if you're not with us move the f*** out of the way (these would be things she would say not me, because I don't cuss -hence the *stars*) She is one of the funniest and sweetest people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing, while she is about herself first she has always been there for me when I needed her. She's not one for having "best friends" probably because she's never had a real friend before... but she did name me God Mother to her son, My 2nd Godson, and did tell me I was the closest thing to a best friend that she had .. I take that the same as giving me the title ... She gives as much as she can ... She has created her life and molded her family into what she didn't have growing up and kept it in tact no matter what has come between it, She is the reason D was created... well, her beautiful son is the reason, and now with her baby girl, who knows maybe she'll soften her up a little, but either way She has been the rock that keeps me pushing, 2 Dragons all the way!
- Now as women (men listen to this and listen well) we all have a male friend who we want nothing from other than friendship and believe it or not there ARE SOME MEN out there WHO ARE NOT GAY that can return that. I also met him in junior high but really became friends in high school, he was a huge Bad Boy fan and I can't stand Puff Daddy... He was alllll about his Bad Boy, we argued every day in English about it, music was what we bonded over. He is there whenever I need him, our biggest falling out was over a guy who was obviously not good enough for me and he simply tried to make me see that... He didn't do it in exactly the right manor necessarily but his heart was in the right place... and to this day he has always been right by my side making me laugh... 2 Dragons all the way!

In 2007/2008 I officially started putting my thoughts out there for everyone to see, I became an independent blog writer for and it was probably the best thing that could have ever happened to me. I received a message from one of the sweetest souls I've ever encountered. Now, because I am very cautious of who I speak to in that sense, I explained to her that I wasn't exactly comfortable, and she offered a bit of information that she hoped would make me feel more comfortable ... It was definitely something you don't just tell some random person, and with that information I knew that this was not your ordinary girl, she has something inside of her that she needed to let out, for her, but more importantly for the world. She has been as strong of a figure in my life as the others mentioned above and in such a short amount of time... Once you break down the many different layers of her, its like a Picaso abstract painting being put together... She is this gorgeous bundle of sweetness that just oozes out, its still so hard for me to see the other side of her, to see her alter ego present itself shocks me every time. She is Ride or Die as they say and to her those are not just words and she can ride with me anywhere this crazy life takes me.

Friendships do not consist of only great moments, they are filled with hard times, tragedies, and rocky beginnings; With any precious thing, it takes time to create the beautiful gift God creates, like Diamonds from coal, some of the best friendships are created in the darkest of times, but in those times while fighting the darkness they become your light....
* This is Dedicated to some of the best friends in my life, Chasity, Eileen, Rene and Zarah...
You guys will never know how you have impacted my life, no matter what I ever say (or don't say) you are the reasons I manage to keep finding the way, God knew exactly who I needed and when I needed them and he gave me you... I love you guys*
I Love you, I Love you, I Love you D!!!