Had I taken that into consideration, not only could my friends be gone, but so could others... innocent lives...
I don't take anything I do lightly... Which to some people it looks as if I'm too serious, but to those who have taken the time to get to know me, understand that my passion runs deep... They also know what a zest for life I have, that I can make a good thing out of any situation should I choose to. .......
I'm going to stop there... And start by saying that, Ive always been an emotional person, I used to base it on the fact that I'm a Pisces ... which I mean could still be true... But, in some of the most darkest or happiest times, I find that he blesses me with tears so that I can feel his love, whether I need it to remind me, I can call on him or to remind me of the blessings he's given me.
I knew when I started this road, I knew that I would have opposition, I knew that my life would change... Though it may seem difficult at first, though it may seem absurd as to how I will be treated, I understand.
I'm a different kind of "Christian" that you may have found... I'm not judgmental, or at least I try really hard not to be, I don't feel like I'm perfect although I will try to live in his perfect likeness...
I have been told that I've always been different, that because I have seen the good and bad sides of faith that it helps me identify with others... Or maybe its just the fact that while I've always had my faith I know that regardless you can still experience the bad side.... I'm realistic, while I understand that there are guidelines to be followed, I know that I was born a sinner, I know that because I was born a sinner I will die one, the difference is when I leave this earth I will have been forgiven, because I have given my heart over to Jesus, not because I let him in my life, but because I realized it was never my life to make that choice.
I am here because of him, I have a place in Heaven because of him, I know that he died, rose and will rise again because of our flaws as sinners... But what I live by is the fact that by knowing his heart, I know my own.
I know that to sin on purpose cannot be forgiven, because it becomes a recurring circle... If you think he doesn't know your every thought before you think it, what's in your heart, I would hope you would reconsider that thought. Words are only sounds until there is meaning behind them, a prayer, and prayers of forgiveness can be nothing more than wishes, or dreams with no destinations unless there is true meaning behind them.
I have never claimed to be anything other than me, I am human, I have views, and opinions, ones that are not always going to be agreed upon, which is fine by me. I do not expect to be looked at as an idol, as a saint, as godly as any of the things that people place as objects to be worshiped, because God says "I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me."
He has sent his children to spread his word, not to be worshiped. I'm fulfilled by his love and just like with any relationship, I like to shout it from the rooftops.
I will always admit my wrongs, I will always admit to my sin, because as I've said before it is my sin to bare, I repeat MY SIN to bare, and not for anyone else to judge me on them. I have tattoos (which is probably my most difficult to get away from) I've lied and I'm ashamed, I lust after men, though I don't act on it, it does not mean that my heart has not felt it; I've had hate in my heart... I've yet to meet a person who hasn't to which by the Bible's standards, you've already created murder [of the heart], look back at your life and your choices and tell me you're without sin. It's okay, I'll wait....
I have only one to answer to, and it isn't anyone of this Earth or this life, he is beyond that. From my interactions with him lately, he still seems to put me where he wants me, so I guess I'm doing just fine...
There's the line, feel free to throw your stones...
"If God is with me, then who can stand against me..."
Beautifully said Di! I love this very much, and the last line may possibly be my next tattoo. I love it