Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Revelation of a True Reality

As of late we've obviously had many different religious movements with the threat of a May 21st Judgment day... Let's put all of that behind us and set the record straight...

First thing is first... I'm going to lead you to the book... The Bible is the way, to have a full understanding of what I am about to tell you, you must read the bible, books Mark, Luke, and John to fully understand and of course Revelations, these are the books that speak of what I am about to explain...
I understand the Bible is written in a way that is difficult to understand for some people, believe it or not, I am dyslexic and my attention span is not the greatest so I completely understand, which is why I'm here to try and help break it down for you..

Let's start with the biggest misconception that people have, and that is The Rapture is the same thing as Judgment Day.
I'm going to start by explaining The Rapture first;

Recently I posted a statement that said, "
Hes sending his warnings, are you listening? More importantly ....are you ready?"
What does that mean? It means that In the last days God will shake the earth to warn the people of earth of the return of his son, the Messiah, The Lord Jesus Christ.
In the books of Mark, Luke and John, and Revelations they speak about devastation that will come upon the earth and other signs to warn you that the last days are upon us.

Many things have been said about "this time" in which many THINK they have the right to speak on without knowing the true meaning, please do not be confused.

For those of us who have let Jesus into our hearts and truly within your heart accepted him as your savior will be called to heaven in this moment to ride along side Jesus to Heaven.
I say moment because this will come like a thief in the night... nobody not even Jesus will know of the day or hour of his return, only our Heavenly Father will know, and it will happen in the blink of an eye.

The signs leading up to this day are already upon us, Massive Earthquakes, Devastating weather, political dealings, prophecies unfolding that were prophecized centuries ago... No really... I'm serious... It's in this book I keep talking about, and the books (chapters) within it.

If you think these tragedies have been terrible... what is yet to come are going to be horrific. You see those of us who have accepted Jesus will go to heaven in the rapture and escape what will happen next. This is where the book (chapter) of Revelations comes in.

A lot of people have a problem believing the bible because it was written by men ... and they constantly ask how are they to know its real? To that I say....

One... You are a fool to question him, Ever heard of the saying, I walk not by sight but by faith?
The Bible will depict every Major Natural Disaster, turmoil and tragedy that will happen not only after the rapture but the events that are occurring now... The problem is some aren't going to realize this until it is too late... meaning until you are "Left behind" as many of us call it; Left behind to endure the tragedies that will come upon earth, devastation, famine, most importantly the Anti-Christ, who I believe is already in place ... I could go on about who it is but that will take forever and a day to explain... lets not get completely off topic here...
What this leads me to is, this is the time that will lead up to Armageddon... and Judgment Day...

You see, during this time, just because you didnt make the Rapture does not mean you have already been judged and will not go to Heaven... This just means you haven't been saved...
I want to give everyone a bit of advice, my own "How to survive the Apocalypse" if you will...

What you must know are 2 things...

1. Get to Know Jesus and accept him in your life, ask him to forgive you of all of your sins and MEAN it... (this will also work now)


Let me explain that...

During this time some major changes will be made... a universal currency for example, The Bible states that the mark of the Beast (666) will be implanted in hands and foreheads of everyone and this implant will hold the mark of the beast, without this you will not be able to buy or sell any goods. How do you get around taking the mark of the beast? Unfortunately this is something that will put you out in the open as one of Jesus' followers... Which means more than likely they will take you into their custody and torture you... Sounds terrible I know... but you have to remember, if you deny him before others he will deny you to his father...
But do not be afraid, He will be with you every moment, you will not suffer and he will not forsake you and the reward will be an eternity in paradise.

This will lead up to the fight of all fights... The battle between Good and Evil, for the souls of Earth, the Earth will erupt and open up so that the living and the dead will be judged and those who chose not to accept Jesus as their savior and did not seek forgiveness will be cast into the lake of fire with Satan.

Sounds like a crazy Novel right??? Its actually from the #1 best selling book of all time... Unfortunately After this all will come to pass so many will realize that this was not some fictional Stephen King Novel, but The Book of Life, the Map to Heaven... The Truth, The Holy Bible, what God sent his Apostles to write so that we, the sinners that Jesus died and rose for to follow so that we may be with him again in paradise...

I know everyone is thinking... That's the end? That's the end of the world??

No, that's not the way it ends... Matter of Fact... It doesnt end... not at all, God will recreate the Earth for all of us who were chosen, for all of us who chose to accept Jesus, to come back to live on Earth as He originally intended when he created it where we will live forever, and I know you're thinking... well it ends for those in Hell... no, its also a beginning for them... the beginning of an eternity of burning fire...

I know I've given a lot of information tonight, and I want to be clear, I am not one of these nuts or crazy fanatics that predicting the end of the world is near .... I'm just a girl with a relationship with Jesus who wants to make sure that people know the difference, and understand the tools are there for them to comprehend what has been there for them to find for centuries...

I left some details out, some of the things to look for... but I did that specifically so that you can find your own way... It's up to you to establish your relationship and understanding of whats been left for you to find, nobody else can do it for you... You'll never truly understand or be open to it if its forced...

Although the Bible is a bit difficult to understand at times, if you open your heart and mind to it, all you have to do is listen... He'll explain it to you...

~ D

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